I've been meaning to update Malpheus' exploits and progression with {Ye Olde Skoole} for some time now but it always seemed more fun to log in and play rather than hang around my blog typing about playing!
Sadly this week saw two members drop out of our 5 man team. Sandsaref (Michael) our Blood Elf Rogue has run out of time in the real world and can no longer commit to runs and preparation and tradeskills and all the other crap that WoW wants. As Sands was the reason for our forming, Cowloon (Kevin) our Tauren Druid decided to also drop out - both he and I were mostly interested in rerunning 'classic' content such as the various Blackrock instances and now that we are in Outland the shine has worn off for him. I however have found that my interest continues, indeed it seems to have grown as I reminisce about runs through each Outland instance with my old guild when Burning Crusade was new!
Sadly this week saw two members drop out of our 5 man team. Sandsaref (Michael) our Blood Elf Rogue has run out of time in the real world and can no longer commit to runs and preparation and tradeskills and all the other crap that WoW wants. As Sands was the reason for our forming, Cowloon (Kevin) our Tauren Druid decided to also drop out - both he and I were mostly interested in rerunning 'classic' content such as the various Blackrock instances and now that we are in Outland the shine has worn off for him. I however have found that my interest continues, indeed it seems to have grown as I reminisce about runs through each Outland instance with my old guild when Burning Crusade was new!

I'm surprised to find myself feeling as nostalgic about Outland as I was about the classic content, I suppose it has been a while since Burning Crusade was released. Revisiting Hellfire Ramparts and The Blood Furnace reminded me of the good old days with {B L A C K S U N} on Khaz'goroth when it was all new. Running The Slave Pens and The Underbog was also a treat.
Now that we are down to three members things could go either way (grow or transfer off). The obvious advantage of five is that we don't have to wait for randoms when we queue for instances - the additional benefit being that we all know (knew?) how to play together as a team. At the moment it seems like the plan is to level up to 70 under our own steam and reevaluate everyone's interest as we enter Northrend, with a possible group-up at The Ring of Blood as we level (because I like it so much).
I hope the guild doesn't evaporate, and it may not be too hard to grow it just enough that we can get back into regular 5-man runs. Although this does conveniently free up Sundays just as I have been considering a return to regular visits to the miniature wargaming clubs around town...
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