Sunday, March 14, 2010

Polemos - 6mm Napoleonics

Today I went out to Brisbane Independent Gamers for the first time in over a year to have a look at some 6mm Napoleonic miniatures gaming that seems to be gaining interest - and to say hello to a few old faces :)

The system that has gained attention is "Polemos"and the range of figures that come from the publisher (Baccus in the UK) are surprisingly finely detailed for such a tiny scale. Sadly, my photos do not do the figures justice and I felt a little rude elbowing players out of the way to get close-ups of the action! But, here they are for what it's worth:

French push the British back along a messy and confusing line
(Click for a larger version)

British (bottom of shot with white name badges) prepare to receive French charge from all sides!
(Click for a larger version)

A long solid French wall of bayonets lumbers toward The Thin Red Line on the right
(Click for a larger version)

Morale seems to break suddenly as shots are exchanged in Polemos, sometimes in surprising and unexpected ways (moments after the last photo was taken much of that French line recoiled from the Brits due to unlucky dice rolling). I'm apprehensive about "dicey" games but I would like to get into Napoleonics and the 6mm scale is a very cheap and quick way to get into it. Most importantly, locals are playing Polemos while other Napoleonic games gather dust on the shelf...

1 comment:

  1. Update: I have placed an order for a French vs Russians box :)


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