Malpheus and friends finished off last week's Blackrock Depths run - giving me access to The Black Forge for my new trinket. We were easily able to complete it with only 4 players and only got lost twice.
I continue to enjoy our weekly runs and slow progression - it's quite satisfying. Next week is either Scholomance or Stratholme depending on how we feel. Kevin has proposed that we may be able to fit both instances between 57 and 60 if we are careful not to do much in the week between.
Those two aside I'm looking forward to Blackrock Spire (which I believe is penciled in as our level 60 run). There were a few instances I missed when I was first playing World of Warcraft waaaaay back in 2005 and I have regretted not visiting them ever since. This group is a great opportunity to get a look at the old content and gives me an odd sense of completion. Blackrock Depths was the first instance on my list of "must-do" dungeons and it's very pleasing to be able to tick that box after all these years. Blackrock Spire is next on that list.
My side-project with Malpheus is to acquire a Venomhide Raptor mount. To be honest I probably won't ride it around, but it's a nice little objective to give myself as it takes 20 daily quests to complete and we have lots of time between runs!
I continue to enjoy our weekly runs and slow progression - it's quite satisfying. Next week is either Scholomance or Stratholme depending on how we feel. Kevin has proposed that we may be able to fit both instances between 57 and 60 if we are careful not to do much in the week between.
Those two aside I'm looking forward to Blackrock Spire (which I believe is penciled in as our level 60 run). There were a few instances I missed when I was first playing World of Warcraft waaaaay back in 2005 and I have regretted not visiting them ever since. This group is a great opportunity to get a look at the old content and gives me an odd sense of completion. Blackrock Depths was the first instance on my list of "must-do" dungeons and it's very pleasing to be able to tick that box after all these years. Blackrock Spire is next on that list.
My side-project with Malpheus is to acquire a Venomhide Raptor mount. To be honest I probably won't ride it around, but it's a nice little objective to give myself as it takes 20 daily quests to complete and we have lots of time between runs!

I guess that's why he's the King!
(click on image for a larger version)
After BRD today I was feeding my raptor Fresh Dinosaur Meat when I stumbled upon King Mosh - an elite rare devilsaur who I have only seen once before. Full of confidence from our run I decided to take him on... and was promptly squished. I have attempted to take a screenshot which shows his huge size - I think Malpheus is about as high as his ankle!
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