I'm still not sure why I decided to buy Star Trek Online. I stopped being a fan of Star Trek during Deep Space Nine and never really got excited about the thing again (with the exception of the JJ Abram 2009 movie which I quite enjoyed). I'm still playing World of Warcraft and I'm still committed to the various projects I have going on in that game - so my interest in STO can't be due to MMO restlessness.
Regardless of the reason and despite the not-so-good reviews I find myself casually plodding along in my kitbashed Miranda/Centaur class ship and enjoying myself (the uninspired USS Brisbane named in honour of my hometown ~ there's something disconcerting about seeing a USS prefix in front of an Australian city!). I play for an hour or two here and there and happily fire my phaser banks at marauding Orions, orbit interesting things and wander around star bases. Actually, it takes me back to my early days playing WoW when I was content to explore and experience the virtual world rather than focus on powerlevelling and geargrinding!
Regardless of the reason and despite the not-so-good reviews I find myself casually plodding along in my kitbashed Miranda/Centaur class ship and enjoying myself (the uninspired USS Brisbane named in honour of my hometown ~ there's something disconcerting about seeing a USS prefix in front of an Australian city!). I play for an hour or two here and there and happily fire my phaser banks at marauding Orions, orbit interesting things and wander around star bases. Actually, it takes me back to my early days playing WoW when I was content to explore and experience the virtual world rather than focus on powerlevelling and geargrinding!

(Click on image for a larger version)
It's true that the most fun in STO is flying around in your ship - the 'ground' missions where you beam across to damaged vessels and down to threatened outposts are a little tedious, but it does feel appropriate for a Star Trek game (how many episodes feature the Captain beaming off the ship for adventures!? ...most of them!). I think that rather than accumulating wealth or improving my character what keeps me interested in STO is the promise of more space combat!
To be clear, Star Trek Online is not a challenge. It's easy and fun and casual - but it's not hard in the way that many serious gamers expect games should be. There's nothing wrong with it being easymode, in fact I appreciate that it's not stressful, but I know many others will try it and get bored very quickly because they don't feel challenged. This game won't kill WoW or Eve Online (another space game I have played in the past) but it does offer something for those who want a light snack for an hour or two each day.
...or if you are a Trekkie of course - you'll love it!
I was burnt by Champions online, and felt that star trek would be another repeat of the same experience. Champions online also has lifetime memberships, and has recently suggested charging for new content updates, and is already charging for extra costumes, pets etc. While the game in its infancy may be fun, in the long run I have no faith in the company supporting new content, for free in particular, and Wow / Eve are still the frontrunners for customer support and free updates, even expansions in the case of EVE.
ReplyDeleteI don't care much for Eve as a game but the unsharded universe and lack of costly expansions are nice.
ReplyDeleteAfter watching the rise and fall of Ultima Online and Everquest the only reason I could see to buy a 'lifetime' membership to any MMO is if you *know* you'll still be playing after the equivalent cost of monthly renewals. With that in mind I would purchase a lifetime subscription to WoW if available as I've only taken two short breaks from the game since 2005 - it's cheaper to pay $300 once than $15 sixty times (and counting). But of course Blizzard would not offer a lifetime membership because they've made the same calculation :)
I'm comfortable with charging for cosmetic upgrades such as costumes and pets however if meaningful or essential in-game items are charged beyond the monthly subscription I'll ragequit in an instant. Perhaps it could be argued that I've already paid extra for better items by buying WoW expansions and effectively opened my wallet for the *potential* to obtain better gear? /shrug
I like STO for now. I may not like it next month or next year but for now it's an amuse-bouche rather than a new tattoo or wife or something that is kept for a lifetime. The long term is off my radar.