Yesterday was a much needed day of games - our intention was to play Uncharted Seas, AT-43 and Munchkin Quest before the AFL Grand Final at 2pm... as it turned out we only had time for two games of Uncharted Seas, and even then we missed half the football match!
Game One
Marc - Shroud Mage starter fleet
Troy - Iron Dwarf starter fleet
This was the first time we had enough ships to be able to play with a full starter fleet on each side. It was also the first time I could try my new watery playmat; a square of blue marble cloth purchased for a few dollars on eBay.

It's only now that I realise there is still a fine layer of yellow dust on my iPhone from the recent dust storms
(Click on image for a large version)

His iPhone does not suffer from a thin coat of yellow dust as mine does, hence the lack of sepia!
(Click on image for a larger version)
Our first match was over very quickly as I rolled snake eyes on a critical against Marc's battleship; the resulting Magazine Explosion destroyed all of his cruisers and half of his frigates. To Marc's credit he took it in good spirits although I was a little dismayed at how quickly the game was over due to a single (lucky) dice roll.

(Click on image for a larger version)
Game Two
Brad - Shroud Mage fleet; Battleship, 3x Cruisers
Marc - Shroud Mage fleet; Battleship, 3x Cruisers
Troy - Iron Dwarf fleet; Battleship, 3x Cruisers
As Brad had arrived just in time to see the spectacular demise of Marc's battleship we decided to play again with three fleets.
In this second game I didn't draw any repair cards, and having foolishly maneuvered into the middle of the table I drew fire from both Brad and Marc. My intention was to circle into the rear of Brad's battleship while his cruisers were busy with Marc, but with a lack of expected repair cards I couldn't weather the storm of gun shot from two other players and my ships were slowly worn away.

(Click on image for a larger version)
This left a showdown between Brad's Shroud Mage battleship and Marc's unpainted Shroud Mage Battleship. The power of painted miniatures prevailed and Marc's battleship slowly sunk beneath the waves (with a short rendition of Jeff Wayne's "Thunder child").
It was good to have Brad over for games, I don't see enough of him (due to my slackness). As he was so busy at Gencon he didn't get much of a chance to play games so I'm glad he got to roll some dice and push some toys around the table a week later.
Of course it's always good to have Marc over too and we both agree that a third player adds a welcome dynamic to the table.
It was a great shock losing the battleship so soon, as well as the devastation is caused. I should try and keep it 8 inches away from other units in future - Still a fun game.