I survived the 48hr march of work/convention/work/convention with only a few hours of sleep between each long step... I write this post after a deep recuperative slumber :)
Friday was Part Two of the RPGA mini campaign The Scent of Perfumed Swords. We only had four at our table but they were all the same players from yesterday's Part One so I was happy to be with everyone again (and it feels right to have the same characters and players together for what is supposed to be a campaign).

slay the big beastie and save the would-be sacrifices.
(Click on image for a slightly larger version)
I'd like to give a special mention to our DM Vince who was positive, friendly and a pleasure to play with. He brought the session to life and happily worked through difficult/confusing parts of the module rather than complain bitterly and blame the writer, a quality I admire in an RPGA DM. Most notably he agreed that the job of a DM is to make the game "more fun" rather than to impartially adjudicate a dangerous world. Hats off!
Around the con I bumped into more people-what-are-good for chatting and catching up. I had enough time for one patrol of the Trade Hall but wasn't able to linger long enough at the stalls to see what was on offer. I'll have to correct this soon!
There was another attempt to get a good team together for the Ultimate Dungeon Delve but it looks like the stars will not align this weekend. Perhaps we'll still roll through with a less-than-elite team but given that it's a hardcore difficulty dungeon where each encounter is strictly timed to 45 minutes (with an immediate end to the session if any encounter is not cleared prior to time being called) I think we might not bother. Still, I'll make sure I head in soon so that I'm in the area if I'm needed.
Day three (today, at the time of writing) was going to be my big Legend of the Five Rings competition but with thanks to slow-moving ebayers mentioned in an earlier post I didn't get the right cards together in time. I suspect they will arrive on Monday, just in time to be useless! The positive is that I am able to sleep-in, update my blog, have a real breakfast and wander down to the Convention Center without needing to rush. Perhaps some more RPGA will be available for continued levelling of Grognard the Cleric (who is now level 3 btw).
Yes, exactly as expected the cards arrived today... one day too late for the con!!!