Friday, October 30, 2009

Warhammer RPG: Captain

I felt obliged to publish an update given that it has been a month since my last post. Usually that's a very bad reason to write anything!

Today we played a few sessions of Warhammer Roleplay which resulted in my character finally reaching his destination; Captain. This is a deep career that has many advances which will occupy my xp for a long time. He's already a competent fighter although with Captain he'll slowly evolve into something quite impressive.

Today also saw the return of Suzy and her Wizardly character to the table - once we applied her backlog of xp she landed squarely in Journeyman Wizard (or should that be Journeyperson Wizard...?). It's interesting to see how the flavour of games change slightly when someone has Magic Sense, Magic Points and a handful of spells that are useful, effective and reliable. We only had one miscast and despite being gruesome (blood flowing from nose, ears and eyes) did not result in any player deaths!

...and now for some sleep...

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