Saturday, July 18, 2009

Warhammer RPG: Shieldbreaker -> Sergeant

The Warhammer group seems to be running out of steam with attendance dropping below the minimum of three required for comfortable gaming. Chris and I spent the session chatting, catching up and eating cherries (which was nice) but with only two of us roleplay was not desirable. I anticipate the project being grounded. My character just made it to Sergeant prior to what seems (at the time of writing) to be the end of the campaign.

I prefer Warhammer RPG to 4th edition Dungeons and Dragons so even if this group has faltered hopefully a fresh campaign using the system can be sifted from the ashes. There are some mumurings of interest in Hackmaster (lolwut?) with a copy being brought to a previous session and discreetly pointed at people with enthusiastic prodding but I must say I DON'T find the idea of retro roleplay appealing.


  1. hey im back now, don't go quitting on me just yet

  2. To clarify my harsh words regarding Hackmaster; I'm not opposed to *other* people having fun with it :)

    Hopefully my tantrum will get everyone back again - although to be fair you had a very good reason to be away Sam and I hope things are a little better for you and yours. There seem to be an alarming number of passings at the moment.


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