As we were starting early I had just enough time to open the many boxes of Therians waiting in the lounge room and have a quick look through the army book before Marc arrived.

I went with Therians (of course) and chose the Cyphers subfaction. This gave all my overseers access to both infantry and AFV routines but a disadvantage that I couldn't wager Leadership Points to win initiative (as it turns out: not so bad when Nova's disadvantage would automatically give me initiative anyway *GRIN*).
The match went well for my side of the table; my Storm Golems kept Marc's infantry suppressed while my Incubus Golgoth concentrated on his trikes. The trikes managed to immobilise my Golgoth although this effectively forced me to use the Nucleus Cannon's Sniper ability every round as I wouldn't be moving anyway; the result being trikes with weapons that were promptly pinged off before they could seek cover.
The match ended with Marc's impressive decision to run over my Storm Arachns [sic] with his last remaining trike in the hope of crushing them before they had a chance to explode. Whilst he managed to kill two his movement stopped in the midst of the remaining four who were about to activate... and explode!
Overall a fun morning. On balance I still feel that Uncharted Seas is the more enjoyable game however AT-43 is fun too. We are still flicking through the rulebook for AT-43 during games although this may be due to long breaks between matches. More games must be had and I discussed the possibility with Marc of organising a regular meeting time for miniature wargaming ~ possibly at the library...
In more important news our hot water system has failed so the only showers on offer are COLD. Sadly this is the time of year when warm and/or hot showers are desired :(
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