On the last Friday of January we journeyed to Matthew's house for a 2000 point 40k game. Justin and I shared command of a Chaos Space Marines Force while Matthew and Allan unleashed a motorised Ork waaagh. Matthew set up a rather nice urban board using a laminated
Cities of Death map to which we added a few buildings.
For our first match of the evening we consulted the Battle Missions book and rolled dice; the result came up as an Ork Blitzkrieg. In this mission three objective markers are placed on a diagonal axis across the table and only Fast Attack can deploy - everything else is in reserve.
The first few turns clicked over quickly as not much was coming from reserve - and when it did arrive the only option was to march onto the table and twiddle thumbs (or claws... or tentacles...) as the enemy were distant. We did manage to get into some carnage in the last few turns as the looming Ork tide reached the center of the table and engaged the scattering of Chaos stuff.

Matthew, Troy and Allan discuss Battle Missions, Terrain and Painting while Justin is on cameraman duty.

Justin's World Eaters Chaos Dreadnought plows into some Ork Boyz while their Looted Land Raider Battlewagon manoeuvres into a position to scoop them back up if they survive.

Nurgley Defiler (proxied with a Soulgrinder) and Khorne Bezerkers charge into Ghazghkull Thraka and his bodyguard of squishy Ork Boyz... meanwhile an unpainted Typhus lurks on the edge of screen.

Endgame: Orks hold two objectives, Chaos holds zero - Ork Victory!
For our second game of the night we decided to leave the terrain as it was so that we could get another battle started quickly. Having played with objective markers in our first battle we decided that this game should use kill points... with a shot of Vodka for every point earned!!!

Chaos deploys in a clump around a solid building to break line of sight with our crazy Dreadnought and maintain concentration of force while Orks choose a more balanced deployment allowing more options. I seem to be simultaneously stroking my beard and measuring march distance for Typhus.
Justin's Dreadnought charges maniacally into Ghazghkull Thraka and his entourage while my Nurgley elements cough and wheeze trying to keep up. Vodka shots all round!
Khornate Chaos Terminators step through the warp to arrive directly in the midst of the Ork lines. From here they threaten Allan's Looted Basilisk Wagon (even with an unfinished paint job it looks great).
From beyond a Vodka-fuelled haze I am reliably informed that Chaos won with 7 kill points vs Orks with 4 kill points. Chaos Victory!
Next month we are making the long trek to Justin's to play in his shed, now with power. I have challenged Marc to a 1000 point battle on the baby table while Matthew, Allan and Justin will play on the big boys table with 2000 points. Well, that's the plan assuming everyone can make it!