Troy's Angels Sanguine (Blood Angels) 750 points
HQ: Captain, Melta Bombs
Troops: Assault Squad, Razorback
Troops: Assault Squad, Razorback
Troops: Assault Squad, Land Raider
Heavy Support: Whirlwind
Marc's Orks (Space Orks) 750 points
HQ: Big Mek, Shokk Attack Gun
HQ: Big Mek, Shokk Attack Gun
Troops: Gretchin
Troops: Gretchin
Troops: Ork Boyz, Nob with Power Klaw
Heavy Support: Killer Kan
Heavy Support: Killer Kan
Heavy Support: Killer Kan
As you can see we fielded the same forces as last week although Marc tweaked his troop numbers so that he could ditch the Deff Dredd in favour of a few Killer Kans. By deploying each as an individual Heavy Support choice rather than all three as one choice he was able to avoid some of the problems of vehicle squadrons (most obviously; having to destroy Immobilised members).
We rolled an Annihilation mission with a Pitched Battle deployment; the classic old-school setup! Rather than use objectives in this scenario we simply score a point for each unit we destroy.
I roll high and choose to deploy first so I can have the first turn. Of course this puts me at a disadvantage as Marc will see where my army is before he puts his figures down - but with control of the first turn I can (hopefully) utilise my Fast engines to reposition as needed.
Turn One Blood Angels
The Land Raider and Razorbacks pinged away at oncoming Ork Boyz with support from a Whirlwind barrage that thinned their numbers down from thirty to twenty-something... if I could keep this up I'd be able to break the wave before it hits.
Turn One Orks
Each Shokk Attack gun targeted a Razorback but their random strength was insufficient. Meanwhile the Ork Boyz and Killer Kans marched forward.
Turn Two: Razorbacks continue to give the Ork Boyz some spice
Turn Two Orks
The Grot crew on board the Killer Kans made good with their Rokkit Launchas and hit the Whirlwind three times! Two Crew Stunned and one Immobilised result later and I am breathing a sigh of relief that the tank has survived, although it won't be firing next turn. Meanwhile the Shokk Attack guns failed to land on-target or come up too weak thanks to their random strength... and the Ork Boyz march onward!
Turn Three: Land Raider repositions in an effort to put some hurt on those Killer Kans as they close in
Turn Three Orks
One of the Big Meks took aim at the most distant Razorback, fired the Shokk Attack Gun and rolled high for its random strength; the result: Destroyed - Explodes!. Thankfully no allies were nearby to be damaged by the mushroom cloud and the passengers all tumbled out of the wreckage unscathed... but that's a kill point for Marc! The second Shokk Attack Gun scores an Immobilized result against the other Razorback - not as bad as destroying it but leaving it stuck in the middle of the table. Meanwhile the Ork Boyz finally found the Whirlwind and charged it with glee - the result; Destroyed - Wrecked. To rub salt in the wound the Land Raider lost a Lascannon to a lucky Rokkit shot from one of the Killer Kans! Things are looking bad for the Space Marines...
Turn Four Blood Angels
My Land Raider chose not to move so it could fire all of its weapons, managing a Crew Stunned and Weapon Destroyed on one of the Killer Kans (of course I chose to ping the Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon off that thing). The unit of nearby Assault Marines who had been unceremoniously cracked out of their Razorback last turn dusted themselves off and prepared to charge the nearest Orks, but not before some attention from their Bolt Pistols. The end of the turn saw the Ork Boyz break and run. Meanwhile in the center of the table my immobilised Razorback disembarked its own Assault Marines who began to judge the distance to that Big Mek not so far away.
Turn Four Orks
Having witnessed the effectiveness of the Assault Marines on the flank in the previous turn the Big Mek decided he was having none of that from those approaching in the center and let rip with his Shokk Attack Gun - dropping a very strong template right on top of those nearby, the result; Instant Death for the marines and Weapon Destroyed for the Razorback - oh no! The second Shokk Attack Gun rolled a double which caused it to be unable to fire next turn, and its shot scattered wide. Over in the other corner of the table one of the Killer Kans got to grips with the Land Raider but was unable to crack its hide.
Turn Five: A slightly diminished squad of Assault Marines sees off a greatly diminished mob of Ork Boyz (with the burning wreck of their ride in the background)
Turn Five Blood Angels
The Land Raider pulled back to force its nearby Killer Kan to roll to hit when its inevitable charge came next turn. This allowed it to fire with one weapon only - sadly the remaining Lascannon failed to penetrate the Kan's front armour (yes, I rolled a one!). Meanwhile the three-strong assault marines continued to chase the Ork Boyz and harass them with Bolt Pistol fire.
Turn Five Orks
Sure enough the expected Killer Kan charge came and managed to snip the remaining Lascannon clean off! This left the Land Raider with only a Heavy Bolter, certainly not the weapon of choice when fighting armoured opponents (even if their armour is only eleven). Meanwhile the Ork Boyz continued to fall back and the functional Shokk Attack Gun scattered.
Marc rolls a die to see if the game ends and it does not: Play on!
Turn Six Blood Angels
The Land Raider moved at full speed away from the Killer Kans and spun a little toward the distant Big Mek, if there will be another turn I might just be able to manage a few Heavy Bolter shots that far. Meanwhile the Assault Marines managed to catch the fleeing Ork Boyz and charged into a new combat; after a bloody fight this leaves all but the sergeant remaining as the only surviving model from either side of the mess! He wisely consolidates to the far side of some blocking terrain :)
Turn Six Orks
Suspecting the end is near two of the Killer Kans fire Rokkits into the air and charge the side of the Land Raider while the Shokk Attack Guns scatter. The armour fourteen hull is too great for their claws and no more damage is caused.
I roll a die and the game ends... victory for Marc (again!)
((Victory)) Marc: Three Kill Points (Whirlwind, Razorback, Assault Marine Squad)
Troy: One Kill Point (Ork Boyz)
Man of the Match: Assault Marine Sergeant ~
For seeing off a mob of Ork Boyz you will be rewarded with some shoulder pads and a finished paint job!
Turn One Blood Angels
The Land Raider and Razorbacks pinged away at oncoming Ork Boyz with support from a Whirlwind barrage that thinned their numbers down from thirty to twenty-something... if I could keep this up I'd be able to break the wave before it hits.
Turn One Orks
Each Shokk Attack gun targeted a Razorback but their random strength was insufficient. Meanwhile the Ork Boyz and Killer Kans marched forward.
Turn Two Blood Angels
Sensing trouble for the Whirlwind the Land Raider moved into a blocking position. This negated it firing this turn but provided a cover save for its delicate ally. In the center of the table the Razorbacks made good use of their Fast engines to maneuver around ruins and pepper Ork Boyz with some more shots from their Heavy Bolters.
Sensing trouble for the Whirlwind the Land Raider moved into a blocking position. This negated it firing this turn but provided a cover save for its delicate ally. In the center of the table the Razorbacks made good use of their Fast engines to maneuver around ruins and pepper Ork Boyz with some more shots from their Heavy Bolters.
Turn Two Orks
The Grot crew on board the Killer Kans made good with their Rokkit Launchas and hit the Whirlwind three times! Two Crew Stunned and one Immobilised result later and I am breathing a sigh of relief that the tank has survived, although it won't be firing next turn. Meanwhile the Shokk Attack guns failed to land on-target or come up too weak thanks to their random strength... and the Ork Boyz march onward!
Turn Three Blood Angels
With the Whirlwind suffering from a dizzy spell the Land Raider moved forward just enough to cover it and put a Lascannon shot into one of the approaching Killer Kans; giving it a Crew Stunned. Meanwhile one of the Razorbacks reversed to maintain a fire arc on the Ork Boyz while the other sidestepped toward the corner of the table full of Grots.
With the Whirlwind suffering from a dizzy spell the Land Raider moved forward just enough to cover it and put a Lascannon shot into one of the approaching Killer Kans; giving it a Crew Stunned. Meanwhile one of the Razorbacks reversed to maintain a fire arc on the Ork Boyz while the other sidestepped toward the corner of the table full of Grots.
Turn Three Orks
One of the Big Meks took aim at the most distant Razorback, fired the Shokk Attack Gun and rolled high for its random strength; the result: Destroyed - Explodes!. Thankfully no allies were nearby to be damaged by the mushroom cloud and the passengers all tumbled out of the wreckage unscathed... but that's a kill point for Marc! The second Shokk Attack Gun scores an Immobilized result against the other Razorback - not as bad as destroying it but leaving it stuck in the middle of the table. Meanwhile the Ork Boyz finally found the Whirlwind and charged it with glee - the result; Destroyed - Wrecked. To rub salt in the wound the Land Raider lost a Lascannon to a lucky Rokkit shot from one of the Killer Kans! Things are looking bad for the Space Marines...
Turn Four Blood Angels
My Land Raider chose not to move so it could fire all of its weapons, managing a Crew Stunned and Weapon Destroyed on one of the Killer Kans (of course I chose to ping the Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon off that thing). The unit of nearby Assault Marines who had been unceremoniously cracked out of their Razorback last turn dusted themselves off and prepared to charge the nearest Orks, but not before some attention from their Bolt Pistols. The end of the turn saw the Ork Boyz break and run. Meanwhile in the center of the table my immobilised Razorback disembarked its own Assault Marines who began to judge the distance to that Big Mek not so far away.
Turn Four Orks
Having witnessed the effectiveness of the Assault Marines on the flank in the previous turn the Big Mek decided he was having none of that from those approaching in the center and let rip with his Shokk Attack Gun - dropping a very strong template right on top of those nearby, the result; Instant Death for the marines and Weapon Destroyed for the Razorback - oh no! The second Shokk Attack Gun rolled a double which caused it to be unable to fire next turn, and its shot scattered wide. Over in the other corner of the table one of the Killer Kans got to grips with the Land Raider but was unable to crack its hide.
Turn Five Blood Angels
The Land Raider pulled back to force its nearby Killer Kan to roll to hit when its inevitable charge came next turn. This allowed it to fire with one weapon only - sadly the remaining Lascannon failed to penetrate the Kan's front armour (yes, I rolled a one!). Meanwhile the three-strong assault marines continued to chase the Ork Boyz and harass them with Bolt Pistol fire.
Turn Five Orks
Sure enough the expected Killer Kan charge came and managed to snip the remaining Lascannon clean off! This left the Land Raider with only a Heavy Bolter, certainly not the weapon of choice when fighting armoured opponents (even if their armour is only eleven). Meanwhile the Ork Boyz continued to fall back and the functional Shokk Attack Gun scattered.
Marc rolls a die to see if the game ends and it does not: Play on!
Turn Six Blood Angels
The Land Raider moved at full speed away from the Killer Kans and spun a little toward the distant Big Mek, if there will be another turn I might just be able to manage a few Heavy Bolter shots that far. Meanwhile the Assault Marines managed to catch the fleeing Ork Boyz and charged into a new combat; after a bloody fight this leaves all but the sergeant remaining as the only surviving model from either side of the mess! He wisely consolidates to the far side of some blocking terrain :)
Turn Six Orks
Suspecting the end is near two of the Killer Kans fire Rokkits into the air and charge the side of the Land Raider while the Shokk Attack Guns scatter. The armour fourteen hull is too great for their claws and no more damage is caused.
I roll a die and the game ends... victory for Marc (again!)
((Victory)) Marc: Three Kill Points (Whirlwind, Razorback, Assault Marine Squad)
Troy: One Kill Point (Ork Boyz)
For seeing off a mob of Ork Boyz you will be rewarded with some shoulder pads and a finished paint job!